Secure the Future of Wales' Seabirds

Northern gannet Morus bassanus, adult on cliff top

Every spring our islands and cliffs come to life with the sounds and smells of hundreds of thousands of returning seabirds. We want to ensure that these special places do not fall silent. 

From the magnificent Manx Shearwater to soaring Gannets, Wales’ offshore islands are home to internationally important populations of seabirds.  

Seabirds are a key indicator of the health of marine ecosystems. However, globally their populations are declining faster than any other bird group, and sadly, threats to seabirds are increasing. 

Seabirds need: 

  • Safe places to breed and rear their young. 

  • Plentiful supplies of food to feed themselves and their chicks. 

  • To survive long enough to breed successfully – many seabirds are long-lived species that take time to mature and only lay one or two eggs a year. 


Supporting a Seabird Conservation Strategy for Wales 

We welcome the Seabird Conservation Strategy for Wales and call on the Welsh Government to ensure the development and implementation of a well-resourced and effective Action Plan which includes measures to: 

  1. Protect the most important areas for seabirds on land and at sea. 

  1. Protect the supplies of prey fish that seabirds depend upon, and ensure fisheries are sustainable – delivering better outcomes for seabirds and people. 

  1. Protect Welsh seabird islands from invasive predators, like rats, and put plans in place to clear invasive predators from affected islands. 

  1. Ensure marine planning and offshore renewable developments deliver positive outcomes and direct funding towards action for climate and nature. 


Speak up for our seabirds 

The public consultation on the Welsh Seabird Conservation Strategy is open until the 14th February. Help us by calling on the Welsh Government to ensure the Strategy will implement the vital measures needed to safeguard Welsh seabird populations.  

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